Thursday, 22 November 2012

Suntrap Visit 20.11.12

What a busy week Year 6 have had!
On Tuesday we visited Suntrap Field Study Centre for the second time this year.
Our focus was streams - the features and how they affect the land. We had a great time squelching
through the mud and walking in the stream (even though someone ended up with VERY wet feet!)
What do we already know?

Jumping the stream.

Leading the stream walk...

We love mud!

Someone much smaller ended up in this deep water created by the natural dam!

More mud.

Washing off the mud.

Teamwork is the best way!

Now where are those signs?
A great day was had by all and we learnt a lot about streams and mapwork.
Next trip...January!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Reading week dress up...Superheroes!

Monday 19th November was Dress up day to kick off Reading Week.
Each year group had their own theme; Year 5 and 6 were Superheroes, following the book "Captain Underpants".
Here are some pictures to show you what we got up to on the day.

Diwali assembly Friday 16th November

The Year 5 and 6 Diwali assembly on Friday was a great success.
All the children did brilliantly, exhibiting their dancing, acting, singing and public speaking skills for all to see.

Let the celebration begin!


The story of Rama and Sita

Rangoli patterns

Diva lamps

What a great performance!

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Half term homework

Over the half term holiday, we don't want you to let your maths brains go to sleep so please log on to interactive resources (through the Learning resources section on the school website) and keep those brains working.
Have a safe and relaxing holiday, see you on the 5th of November!
Miss Goodwin, Miss Woolley and Mr Perfect

Monday, 22 October 2012

Year 6 visit The Science Museum

Year 6 pupils visited The Science Museum on the 17th October 2012. It was a chance to see some different inventions through time and finish off our topic: Inventions.

We also had great fun exploring Launchpad - the hands-on science gallery - where we could try out many different scientific ideas.

The boys persevered and finally got the blocks to balance!

                                                     Spinning round and round and round...

                                           Can you see where Miss G, Sara and Sabiha are?

 A great day had by all!